Technical Engineering Unit

The design and engineering department of Amouj Farayand Co. has been equipped with a mixture of experienced and experienced personnel as the heart of the company and the operational arm of the work in a professional manner.

Using modern design methods based on the world’s standards, the personnel of this company design the most complex projects against lightning protection and earthing and provide to the implementation team and the employer.

مهندسی و طراحی
طراحی و مهندسی

The activities of the engineering department are divided into two general sections:

1- Design and engineering of projects

In this section, information received from the projects is designed by using the latest software and according to international standards such as IEC and IEEE and based on that technical drawing, list of required parts and executive details are compiled. In addition to all these forms, test and review checklists (during work, end of work and periodic review) will be prepared and provided to the employer.

2 – Product Engineering

In the product engineering sector, activities such as technical documents, design of production process and assembly lines, preparation of BOM, product development and inspection and approval of parts produced by subcontractors are carried out.

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شماره موبایل یا پست الکترونیک خود را وارد کنید
کد تایید را وارد کنید
کد تایید برای شماره موبایل شما ارسال گردید
ارسال مجدد کد تا دیگر
رمز عبور را وارد کنید
رمز عبور حساب کاربری خود را وارد کنید
رمز عبور را وارد کنید
رمز عبور حساب کاربری خود را وارد کنید
درخواست بازیابی رمز عبور
لطفاً پست الکترونیک یا موبایل خود را وارد نمایید
کد تایید را وارد کنید
کد تایید برای شماره موبایل شما ارسال گردید
ارسال مجدد کد تا دیگر
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