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سیستم های ارتینگ و حفاظت در برابر صاعقه

Amouj farayand Products

Your bridge to the world

Amouj Farayand offers the most complete sales tools and live communication with the world

دفاتر اروپایی اموج فرآیند

European offices

Interact with the world with European offices in the Netherlands, Germany and Austria

دفاتر اوراسیا اموج فرآیند
Eurasia Office

Trade with countries in the region through the Eurasia Office

شرکای اروپایی اموج فرآیند
European Partners

Trade safely using European labour force

راهکارهای متنوع اموج فرآیند
Diverse sales solutions

Buy and sell easily with solutions for selling process and strategic warehouses in important parts of the country

سیستم های ارتینگ و حفاظت در برابر صاعقه

Providing distinctive services with Amouj farayand

کلاس های آموزشی اموج فرآیند
Holding Training Courses

In order to improve the technical knowledge of users of industrial equipment, especially electrical systems and at the top of them are lightning protection and earthing systems in the country’s industries, Amouj Farayand Company, in line with its policy and also in the direction of localization of the world’s latest technologies, has organized specialized courses in person and virtual and workshops for designing the test and launching the mentioned systems

Why is Amouj Farayand the reference for the purchase of lightning protection systems in Iran?

More than 3,000 private users
More than 300 enterprise users 
بیش از 75% بومی سازی تولید داخلی اموج فرآیند
More than 75% of domestic production

خدمات پس از فروش در کشور اموج فرآیند
After-sales service in the country

قیمت مناسب اموج فرآیند
Reasonable Price

پشتیبانی 7*24 واقعی اموج فرآیند
Genuine 7*24 support

ارسال دستگاه جایگزین اموج فرآیند
Send replacement device

قطعات اصلی و معتبر اموج فرآیند

Genuine and authentic parts

همگام با فناوری روز دنیا اموج فرآیند

Synchronized with the latest technology

قابل ارتقاء بودن محصولات اموج فرآیند

Upgradeability of products

Amouj Farayand at a glance

Amouj Farayand Co. as a manufacturer and provider of lightning protection systems and earthing was established in 2002 with the slogan of professionalism, cooperation and progress and with the aim of achieving further growth, using the world’s up-to-date technical knowledge based on international standards.

At the beginning and after much study, Sirprotec Company chose Spain in the field of lightning arrester and overvoltage protection equipment and so far is the exclusive agent of this company in Iran.

Over the years, it has also been able to obtain the representation of Turkish calore (KALRE) and LYTECH companies in the UK.

Since the beginning of the establishment, the educated and expert forces of Amouj Farayand Company have read the world’s standards in the field of earthing and lightning protection as the top of their work.

The design and engineering of various projects based on these studies and using the software of the day has put us in a good position to provide technical services to major projects of the country.

آموج فرآیند در یک نگاه

In 2008, with the aim of supplying the market needs and projects in operation, we started to produce equipment and components of earth system and lightning protection system.

In this regard, we also refer to the world standards and by extracting technical specifications of products, we produced them in the country.

Setting up a quality assurance unit in manufacturing, manufacturing and following ISO guidelines on the provision of the raw materials with birth certificates, and constant supervision until the production of goods, distinguishes our products from other products.

Obtaining laboratory test certificate for some products from Razi Metallurgy, Sharif University and laboratories under the supervision of the Institute of Standards is a testament to this.

Also in 2017 we updated our production lines with the aim of improving the quality of products and exporting to European countries in an area of 5000 square meters in Safa Dasht Karaj.

Obtaining EFQM certificate in design, production and implementation of lightning protection systems and earthing in 2023 is another success that Amouj Farayand Company has achieved.


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