Research and Development Unit

واحد تحقیق و توسعه

All stages of designing the company’s products are carried out in the country and by domestic experts. In this way, more than 80 percent of the products produced by relying on our country’s experts have been localized to take a positive step towards entrepreneurship and progress of the country.

What happens in the R&D unit:

Amouj Farayand Research and Development Unit, due to the change in the structure of the company and simultaneously with the expansion of the group’s activities in the fields of electricity, oil and gas, water and wastewater industries, etc. And emphasizing the necessity of conducting research and development activities in optimizing performance and improving the services provided. The main purpose of these measures is to orient endogenous research in order to acquire key technologies in the body of the process so that we can pursue the technological competitive advantage simultaneously creating value and reducing the distance with competitors in the market.

واحد تحقیق و توسعه

The mission of this unit is to create a suitable platform for explanation, planning, coordination, implementation and control of research activities in order to provide scientific solutions for solving the problems facing different fields. This department is responsible for policy making and guiding the necessary activities for the development and promotion of technology and strengthening the knowledge base at all levels of the company, and tries to facilitate the dynamics of this group by creating a suitable core and using expert human resources, scientific foundations of the day, cooperation with academic and research centers and the knowledge available in all units, with knowledge management approach.

Duties of the unit:


1- Collecting research projects at the company level


Examination and authorization to run


3- Forecasting and determining the required budget for the implementation of research projects


4 – Preparation and preparation of the schedule for the implementation of research projects

تحقیق و توسعه
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رمز عبور حساب کاربری خود را وارد کنید
رمز عبور را وارد کنید
رمز عبور حساب کاربری خود را وارد کنید
درخواست بازیابی رمز عبور
لطفاً پست الکترونیک یا موبایل خود را وارد نمایید
کد تایید را وارد کنید
کد تایید برای شماره موبایل شما ارسال گردید
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