introduction of a company

ارتینگ و حفاظت در برابر صاعقه

Amouj farayand started its economic activity in 2002 and it did not take long for him to be active in numerous national projects such as Iranian pipelines and oil telecommunications and CNG stations throughout the country. Closely connected with the country’s industries and also exploiting the company’s facilities in Europe has led us to take effective steps in technology transfer to Iran by obtaining the representation of European companies, and in this way we have been producing equipment for lightning protection systems and earthing with the aim of entrepreneurship and supporting domestic experts.

ارتینگ و حفاظت در برابر صاعقه
اموج فرآیند

Despite the fact that due to the political and economic conditions of the country, providing warranty and after-sales services is very difficult for customers, Amouj Farayand Co. with regard to this important and in order to localize the technology and technologies of the world by equipping its research and development unit to design and produce parts, and now with more than 80% share of localization of domestic production with the help of Specialists in the production of various fittings and parts of earthing systems and lightning protection are responsive to the needs of the domestic market.

We have always tried to provide our products and services in accordance with the standards of the day and even exceed customer expectations, and in this regard, we are committed to continuous improvement of our services along with improving the quality of our products and making timely commitments to customers and increasing their satisfaction.
In this regard, we tried to keep our commitment to customers by obtaining the ISO 9001:2015 standard and related licenses from the Ministry of Industry, and the Union of Machinery and Lathes, as well as interaction with the Organization of Standards and Training of Personnel.

اموج فرآیند
آموج فرایند ارتینگ و حفاظت در برابر صاعقه

We provide a differentiated and long-term after-sales service and unconditional replacement guarantee in many cases, trying to gain the trust of our customers, to ensure that regional changes and developments have little impact on process services and all brands offered by us have a very strong backing.
Providing after-sales services along with free training has resulted in a relationship based on respect and trust between the company and customers.

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